Another Intriguing Monday Meme!

Well, I saw this Monday Meme (the Me, Myself, and I Meme) over at the lovely Strawberry Singh‘s blog, and I could not resist. Thank you, Berry – your memes are always a treat, sometimes a challenge, and I enjoy them all whether I participate or not.

Here we go:

I am… sweet and spicy.

I want… more spa days! I love reflexology, hot stone massage, cool water facials, and expert mani-pedis in an environment of calm and restfulness.

I have… the best-ever husband in the whole wide word (and metaverse)!

I wish… for long, lazy days during which I can choose to work, rest or play – and enjoy it all!

I hate… nothing. There is too much to love!

I fear… not understanding or not being understood.

I search… for unique books, objets d’arts – and people.

I wonder… about the limitless universe, metaverse, and life.

I regret… (not often, but sometimes) not going to medical school.

I never… forget, but always forgive – it’s just not what others might expect. I require time to explore whatever it is I am forgiving – and sometimes expect the participation of the other person; it’s a process – a kind and loving one. The forgiveness is for me, not necessarily for the wronging party because they are not always committed to learning from the situation (at least at the same time that I am) – although I always hope they benefit as well, and trust that they will in time. I always try to remember that I make mistakes too and have some measure of compassion whenever possible. If you have not explored the work of Dr. Brené Brown, please check HERE for a nice start.

I always… seem to see the best in everything and everyone; it’s just what I do. I’ve learnt the value of “flipping the coin,” when needed – and of letting go of toxic people. Yes, sadly, there are some…but fortunately, they are rare; there are many more beautiful souls to meet!

I usually… find something to love about most everyone. Even when they don’t know it, it’s in there, somewhere! (And yes, this includes toxic people.)

I dance… every day!

I sing… rarely now, as my ear does not always cooperate.

I often… talk to myself, carrying on some quite interesting conversations.

I sometimes… login to SL, find a nice beach or mountaintop somewhere (often right here at home, at Ce Soir or Ce Soir Arts), and think or sleep. Sometimes, I fall asleep whilst shopping late at night. That can be interesting, to say the least!

I need… my man.

I cry… whenever people fall in love (books, films, life).

I should… be thinking about what I am planning to cook for lunch right now, but I just had breakfast and I’m not hungry (although I LOVE to cook and do have a delicious menu in mind!).

I love… RL, SL, Aeon, and (today) spring weather! (I won’t like the weather in RL for long, as the allergies will soon ensue!)

This was fun and instructive. Thank you Berry!

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