Second Life photography as a creative outlet…

As we all are dealing with increased stress from the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking ways to express ourselves becomes increasingly important. As a photographer and writer in both the virtual and physical realms, I am finding this outlet to be even more valuable to me than it has been over the last ten years or so. I’ve been snapping pix like crazy the last few days, and posting them on Flickr and other locations for sharing. As a  writer, I am discovering new poems within – additional ways to express myself and alleviate stress.

I was planning to share one here in hopes it would be an incentive to you to either take up in-world photography or another creative endeavour. However, the website is not allowing me to upload new media for some reason, so I’m sharing an older photo from Ce Soir Arts instead (see below). There are many hobbies and activities to be enjoyed, and I am hearing from friends who have taken up quilting, drawing, furniture refinishing, gardening, and a host of other activities. Many enjoy cookery and are trying new recipes (when they have the ingredients available), and are being quite creative and inventive with substitutions! Several are sewing, and some are making cloth masks and washcloths to donate to health care providers. The options are endless, and completely up to the individual. Even clutter-clearing at home has become a hobby of sorts for several friends who are rediscovering both trash and treasures!

I hope you find something to enjoy whilst sheltering at home. I must say that Second Life® is a blessing, as it helps pass the time in ways that enhance connection to family and friends – in a safe, distanced environment. There are so many options for entertainment in SL including art (the galleries are numerous and many hold stunning artworks); shopping (we avatars must have fashionable clothing, hair, make-up, etc.); and LIVE MUSIC that is provided by musicians from around the world! Join for free, login, choose your first avatar, and explore! The Destination Guide will take you several places…and there is always MORE.

Since we’ve closed Ce Soir Arts, that gorgeous region is no longer, but there are so many to visit. I promise you, you will find beauty and fun in our virtual world. Give it a try at – and enjoy! (You can click HERE if the website link won’t work.)

The website won’t allow me to upload new media at the moment, so below is a photo of The Ruins at Ce Soir Arts. This was a special spot on the region, a quiet, restful place. We placed a piano here for Skye Galaxy concerts that were enjoyed by many. One concert was enjoyed by 110 on the region at once, plus others who were listening remotely. his concerts are known for large audiences and lots of beautiful music. We will always remember…!

The Ruins at Eventide – Ce Soir Arts

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